About VMGD

The Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-Hazards Department (VMGD) is a Department within the Ministry of Climate Change Adaptation, Meteorology, Geo-Hazards, Energy, Environment and Disaster Management. The VMGD consists of seven Divisions and they are Administration; Weather Forecasting and Services; Climate; Climate Change/Project Management Unit; Geo-Hazards; Observations; and ICT/Engineering. These Divisions work together to ensure the core functions are carried out as indicated in the annual Business Plans, the Corporate Plan, and Vanuatu Priorities and Action Agenda.


The vision of the VMGD is:

To be a world class meteorological and geohazards institution that contributes to the sustainable development of Vanuatu, and the Pacific region.


The VMGD works to achieve its Vision by being:

A fully professional institution comprising skilled and motivated staff using updated and state of the art science and technology within an efficient and effective organisation, providing high quality meteorological and geohazards services that are widely available and accessible, effectively applied, beneficial and highly valued by all sections of the community in Vanuatu.

Specifically, this will be achieved through the excellence in the following areas:

  • Excellence in weather and climate forecasting processes.
  • Leading in climate change adaptation and mitigation implementation, monitoring, and negotiations.
  • Active monitoring and state of the art implementation of early warning systems for geohazards.
  • Accessing and supporting international and regional observation networks.
  • Research and innovation targeting improved products and services to all stakeholders.
  • Facilitating cooperation with respect to its monitoring networks.
  • Implementation and use of cutting edge technology.
  • Quality control systems in place with supporting administrative and financial resources in place.

ObjectivesVMGD aims to meet the growing demands of the Government of Vanuatu and all Ni-Vanuatu for improved meteorological and geohazards services that will:

  • Ensure the safety, security and wellbeing of the people and communities of Vanuatu.
  • Contribute to achieving national sustainable development.
  • Fulfill Vanuatu’s commitments and obligations under relevant regional and international agreements and conventions.

The objective of the VMGD is to meet the needs of all people living in Vanuatu for meteorological and geohazards information, understanding and services that are essential for their safety, security, and general well-being, and to ensure that meteorological and geophysical data and knowledge are effectively applied to Vanuatu’s National Goals.

DivisionsThe Administration Division provides leadership and management structures for the operation of the VMGD. Given the relatively rapid development of the VMGD over the past decade, it has acquired the appropriate and relevant capabilities for capacity building and resource support for the increasingly wide array of services that it provides, and the resources supporting those services that go with it. This Division works closely with the Ministry to ensure the Strategic Plan, the Annual Business Plan and the Corporate Plan are developed and implemented.

The Weather Forecasting and Services Division provides timely and quality weather services and products to the general public, mariners, and commercial end users, via qualified meteorologists and through the deployment of the appropriate and state of the art weather forecasting systems.

The Climate Division provides climate information, long term forecasts, services and warnings. Through its qualified staff, modern and sound technology the Climate Division analyses climate and related environmental data to monitor, predict and provide climate and other related environmental information, forecasts, advisories and warnings.

The Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Division manages and operates the implementation and integration of climate change and disaster risk reduction programs and projects to support national level commitments to Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management multilateral agreements.

The Geo-Hazards Division is a highly effective and efficient Division delivering quality services and products on geohazards and related phenomena using modern science and technology to mitigate against potential impacts of geological hazards (earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions) by preventing disastrous consequences on the people, environment and economy of Vanuatu.

The Observations Division maintains adequate observational network to provide the required data and information needed within VMGD and for other national, regional and international users and further networks. The Division installs, maintains and updates all observational networks that provide adequate coverage, real-time, accurate and high quality observation data for weather, climate and water. The Division also works closely with regional and international technical partners to meet the VMGD’s network data and information reporting obligations.

The ICT and Engineering Division ensures the VMGD uses up-to-date, modern and sound infrastructure to support all the services of the VMGD. It also ensures there are sound ICT equipment and all necessary assets, for data processing and required interfaces for all Divisional requirements, including support for corporate and administrative functions.

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