
Climate showcases the temperature changes, current status of national ENSO, rainfall, SSL and coral bleaching. This page also includes jump offs for relevant pages to climate.

Seasonal rainfall and temperature at Port Vila.

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Current Vanuatu Climate Status

Coral Bleaching

All country regions will expect No stress on coral bleaching activity in August 2024.

El Nino Southern Oscillation

ENSO Outlook is currently in Neutral. Four climate model suggest the possibility of sea surface temperature reaching La Nina threshold(below -0.8) by October, therefore dial is shifted to La Nina Watch.


Rainfall-Outlook for August until 1st September shows near normal rainfall for Torba and Penama province while Below normal rainfall expected over the rest of the Country.

Sea Surface Temperature

Sea surface temperature is the temperature of the ocean water close to the surface(1mm to 100m below).Above average sea surface temperatures will be expected in August for the whole country.

Sectoral Climate Information Services

Sectoral Climate Information Services are science-based climate information and services in support of decision-making in climate sensitive sectors.
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Climate Observation Stations

Climate Observation Stations are on the ground sites that monitor climate parameters such as rainfall (precipitation), air temperatures, atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, wind direction, wind speed, soil temperature and evaporation.
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Vanuatu Climate Futures Portal

Climate Change Science Services

The Vanuatu Climate Futures Portal is a gateway to climate information services and tools, providing users with the science, mapping, data, videos and other resources to plan their adaptation actions. The Vanuatu Climate Futures Portal was developed by the GCF Vanuatu Klaemet Infomesen blong redy, adapt mo protekt (VanKIRAP) project.

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