Aviation Forecast

About Aviation Services

Under the VMGD Act, the Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-Hazards Department (VMGD) is the sole provider of Meteorological Services to the Aviation Industry in Vanuatu. VMGD, under its Observation program, VMGD provides almost around the clock real time Meteorological data for the main Airports namely, Sola on Vanua Lava, Pekoa on Santo, Longana on Ambae, Lamap on Malekula, Bauerfield on Efate, Whitegrass on Tanna and Anelguahat on Anietyum. The Observation Division also provides METAR for all aerodromes and SPECI for Pekoa, Bauerfield and Whitegrass. The Forecasting Division provides Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) for the main aerodromes and TTF for Bauerfield, Pekoa and Whitegrass. Trend Type Forecasts are forecasts that are valid for a three hour period. It supersedes an issued TAF within its validity period. The terminal aerodrome forecast is issued on a six hourly basis and is valid for a period of 24 hours.

Area Forecast (ARFOR) is a forecast tailored for domestic flights operating within Vanuatu. The forecast is issued three times a day, at 16UTC, 2220UTC and 0430UTC and is valid for a twelve hour period. The latest ARFOR forecast can be viewed on the Aviation tap. VMGD, through its forecasting Division, also provides Route Forecast (ROFOR) for Air Vanuatu flights departing Bauerfield and Pekoa International Airport.The latest TAF can be accessed at the Aviation tab of the VMGD website; you can also access the main aerodrome TAFs on the NOAA’s Website.

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