Issued on Thursday 6th February, 2025 at 18:00
Vanuatu Standard Time
Final information on a Tropical Low
At 5:00pm local time, the Tropical Low (1000 hPa) was located near 22.2S 162.9E. The Tropical Low is positioned at the top right corner of square letter C, number 13 (C,13) of the Vanuatu Tropical Cyclone Tracking map. This is about 365KM west of Noumea. In the past six hours, the system moved southeast at 16KM/HR. The potential for this tropical low to intensify into a tropical cyclone within the next 24hours is low. Winds close to the centre are estimated at 50KM/HR (25kts). Forecast Positions Date and Time Position Intensity +06 hours (11pm, 6 Feb) 22.6S, 164.0E 25 KTS (45 KM/HR) +12 hours (5am, 7 Feb) 23.0S, 165.1E 25 KTS (45 KM/HR) +18 hours (11am, 7 Feb) 23.6S, 166.6E 25 KTS (45 KM/HR) +24 hours (5pm, 7 Feb) 24.2S, 168.0E 25 KTS (45 KM/HR) +36 hours (5am, 8 Feb) 26.1S, 171.2E 25 KTS (45 KM/HR) +48 hours (5pm, 8 Feb) 28.0S, 173.6E 25 KTS (45 KM/HR) +60 hours (5am, 9 Feb) 29.6S, 175.0E 25 KTS (45 KM/HR) +72 hours (5pm, 9 Feb) 30.8S, 176.3E 25 KTS (45 KM/HR) At this stage, the system does not pose any significant threat to the islands of Vanuatu. However, as the system moves southeast towards New Caledonia in the next 24 to 48 hours, seas will become rough to very rough with moderate to heavy swells over all coastal waters of Vanuatu starting tonight and continuing tomorrow. Severe weather warning for heavy rainfalls will also be expected over parts of central and southern islands as the system travel further southeast of south New Caledonia. This will be the final information for this Tropical Low however, the Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-Hazards Department is closely monitoring the system and will re-issue information if the system re-intensified and move towards the islands of Vanuatu. This information bulletin is available on VMGD's website: and on its facebook page: You can also obtain this information by dialling VMGD'S free toll number 116. -------------------------- Bislama Version -------------------------- Faenol infomesen blo Tropikol Lo we i kamaot long Vanuatu Meteorology mo Geo-Hazards Department, Port Vila long 06:11am VUT Thursday 6 February 2025. Long 5:00pm lokol taem tede, tropikol lo (1000hPa) hemi stap kolosap long 22.2S 162.9E. Tropikol lo ia hemi stap long top raet kona blong skwea leta C, namba 13 (C,13) insaed long Vanuatu Tropikol Saeklon Traking map. Hemia hemi samples 365KM west blong Noumea. Long pas six aoa, sistem hemi bin muv southeast long 16KM/HR. Janis blong Tropikol lo ia blong hemi kam wan Tropikol Saeklon lo nekis 24 aoa mo muv i kam long Vanuatu hemi lo tu moderate. Ol wins kolosap long senta hemi kasem 50KM/HR (25knots). Fokas Posisen Dei mo Taem Posisen Pawa +06 hours (11pm, 6 Feb) 22.6S, 164.0E 25 KTS (45 KM/HR) +12 hours (5am, 7 Feb) 23.0S, 165.1E 25 KTS (45 KM/HR) +18 hours (11am, 7 Feb) 23.6S, 166.6E 25 KTS (45 KM/HR) +24 hours (5pm, 7 Feb) 24.2S, 168.0E 25 KTS (45 KM/HR) +36 hours (5am, 8 Feb) 26.1S, 171.2E 25 KTS (45 KM/HR) +48 hours (5pm, 8 Feb) 28.0S, 173.6E 25 KTS (45 KM/HR) +72 hours (5pm, 9 Feb) 30.8S, 176.3E 25 KTS (45 KM/HR) +60 hours (5am, 9 Feb) 29.6S, 175.0E 25 KTS (45 KM/HR) +72 hours (5pm, 9 Feb) 30.8S, 176.3E 25 KTS (45 KM/HR) Naoia, sistem ia hemi no givim ani denja long ol aelans blong Vanuatu. Be taem sistem ia emi muv saoteast i kam kolosap long saoten Vanuatu long nekis 24 kasem 48 aoas, bae woning blong strong win long solwora bae hemi stap ova long ol open costal wotas blong Vanuatu mo woning blong hevi renfol mo flash flading tu ova long pats blong sentrol mo saoten aelans blong Vanuatu. Hem ya bai hemi faenol information blon Tropikol Lo be Vanuatu Meteorology mo Geo-Hazards Department bai hemi kontinu blo monitarem sistem ya mo bai hemi givim aot infomesen bakeken sapos sistem ya hemi kam strong bakeken mo muv ikam kolosap lo ol aelans blo Vanuatu. Infomesen ia hemi stap long websaet blong VMGD: mo long Facebook pej Yu save kolem fri tol namba 116 blong kasem semak infomesen.
Community Threat
Warning Zone
Gales Within 24 Hours
Advisory Zone
Gales from 24 to 48 Hours
Past Cyclone Details

Past Location and Intensity Number

Past Track and Movement
Current Cyclone Details

Current location and intensity number
Very Destructive Winds
Destructive Winds
Gale Force Winds
Forecast Cyclone Details
up to 72 hours from time of issue

Forecast Location and Intensity Number
Very Destructive Wind Boundary
Destructive Wind Boundary
Gale Force Wind Boundary

Most Likely Future Track
Range of Likely Tracks
Tracking Map