Current alert level
Major Unrest
Description for Lopevi
Lopevi, is the small 7 km wide conical active basaltic – to – andesitic volcano of the Vanuatu arc. The basaltic-to-andesitic volcano has exhibited historical activity at both its summit and flank vents, primarily along a NW-SE-oriented fissure traversing the island. This activity has included moderate explosive eruptions and lava flows that extended to the coast.
1413 m / 4635 ft
16° 30' 29.16" S
168° 20' 32.64" E
Volcano Types
- Stratovolcano
- Scoria cone
Most recent eruptions
12TH-13TH JANUARY 2017
Short-lived of volcanic steam and gas column
8TH JUNE 2003
Plinian eruption and lava flows from fissures
Past eruptions
8TH JUNE 2001
Plinian eruption,violent explosions generated debris flows,lava flows
Plinian eruption generated pyroclastic flow,lava flows and mixe of strombolienne and vulcanien explosions
Current alert level
Major Unrest
Lopevi real time image
Showing the most recent image from our camera
Lopevi drum plot
Showing seismic activity over the last 24 hours