East Epi

Current alert level

Signs of Volcanic Unrest


Description for East Epi

The East Epi group consists of multiple submarine cones within a postulated caldera and lies off the eastern coast of Epi Island in Vanuatu.

Location map showing the locations of the three main cones of the East Epi group (Epi A, Epi B, and Epi C) 4-10 km NNE of Epi Island. Epi B is the site of the 2023 activity. The small island ~16 km N of the cones (top center) is Lopevi volcano.


833 m / 2733 ft


16° 40' 46.92"


168° 23' 21.48"

Volcano Types

  • Cluster
  • Stratovolcanoes

Most recent eruptions

Past eruptions

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