Issued on February 6, 2025
Last 7 days of events in the region
Displaying all earthquake events from the past 7 days. For older records, please contact: geohazards@meteo,
Earthquake survival guideENGLISHTsunami Safety - Before a TsunamiENGLISHTsunami Safety - During an approaching Tsunami ENGLISHTsunami Survival Guide ENGLISHTsunami Safety - Bifo wan Tsunami BISLAMATsunami Safety - Wanem blong mekem taenm Tsunami i stap kam BISLAMAGuide de prévention à un Tsunami - Que faire avant un TsunamiFRENCHGuide de prévention à un Tsunami - Ce qu'il faut faire lors de l'approche d'un TsunamiFRENCH

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