Climate Maps of Vanuatu

Climate maps for Vanuatu (National and Provincial Atlas) were developed by the Vanuatu Klaemet Infomesen blong redy, adapt mo protekt (VanKIRAP) project to increase climate literacy and support awareness at all levels of society.


Shefa Province Climate Atlas

The Atlas includes rainfall and temperature maps for Shefa Province.


Malampa Province Climate Atlas

The Atlas includes rainfall and temperature maps for Malampa Province.


Sanma Province Climate Atlas

The Atlas includes rainfall and temperature maps for Sanma Province.


Tafea Province Climate Atlas

The Atlas includes rainfall and temperature maps for Tafea Province.


Pemana Province Climate Atlas

The Atlas includes rainfall and temperature maps for Tafea Province.


Torba Province Climate Atlas

The Atlas includes rainfall and temperature maps for Torba Province.


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